This documentation under development by team! πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈπŸ‘‹
πŸ“ Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet

A Tendermint cheat sheet is a quick reference for essential commands to control Tendermint blockchains.

Managing keys

Managing keys on a Tendermint-based chain involves securing and controlling ua0giess to cryptographic keys used for chain operations.

Generate new key
0gchaind keys add wallet
Recover key
0gchaind keys add wallet --recover
List all key
0gchaind keys list
Delete key
0gchaind keys delete wallet
Export key
0gchaind keys export wallet
Import key
0gchaind keys import wallet wallet.backup
Query wallet balances
0gchaind q bank balances $(0gchaind keys show wallet -a)

Managing validators

Ensure you've updated moniker, identity, details, and website to match your values.

Create validator
0gchaind tx staking create-validator \
--amount 1000000ua0gi \
--pubkey $(0gchaind tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker "your-moniker-name" \
--identity "your-keybase-id" \
--details "your-details" \
--website "your-website" \
--security-contact "your-email" \
--chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 \
--commission-rate 0.05 \
--commission-max-rate 0.20 \
--commission-max-change-rate 0.01 \
--min-self-delegation 1000000 \
--from wallet \
--gas-adjustment 1.5 \
--gas 5000000 \
--gas-prices 0ua0gi \
Edit validator
0gchaind tx staking edit-validator \
--new-moniker "your-moniker-name" \
--identity "your-keybase-id" \
--details "your-details" \
--website "your-website" \
--security-contact "your-email" \
--chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 \
--commission-rate 0.05 \
--from wallet \
--gas-adjustment 1.5 \
--gas 5000000 \
--gas-prices 0ua0gi \
Unjail validator
0gchaind tx slashing unjail --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y
Validator jail reason
0gchaind query slashing signing-info $(0gchaind tendermint show-validator)
List active validator
0gchaind q staking validators -oj --limit=3000 | jq '.validators[] | select(.status=="BOND_STATUS_BONDED")' | jq -r '(.tokens|tonumber/pow(10; 6)|floor|tostring) + " \t " + .description.moniker' | sort -gr | nl
List incative validator
0gchaind q staking validators -oj --limit=3000 | jq '.validators[] | select(.status=="BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED")' | jq -r '(.tokens|tonumber/pow(10; 6)|floor|tostring) + " \t " + .description.moniker' | sort -gr | nl
View validator details
0gchaind q staking validator $(0gchaind keys show wallet --bech val -a)

Managing Tokens

Withdraw reward from all validator
0gchaind tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y
Withdraw reward and commission
0gchaind tx distribution withdraw-rewards $(0gchaind keys show wallet --bech val -a) --commission --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y
Delegate tokens to your validator
0gchaind tx staking delegate $(0gchaind keys show wallet --bech val -a) 1000000ua0gi --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y
Delegate token to other validator, change <to-valoper-address> as you like
0gchaind tx staking delegate <to-valoper-address> 1000000ua0gi --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y
Redelegate to another validator
0gchaind tx staking redelegate $(0gchaind keys show wallet --bech val -a) <to-valoper-address> 1000000ua0gi --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y
Unbond token from your own validator
0gchaind tx staking unbond $(0gchaind keys show wallet --bech val -a) 1000000ua0gi --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y
Send token to the wallet
0gchaind tx bank send wallet <to-wallet-address> 1000000ua0gi --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y


Query list proposal
0gchaind query gov proposals
View proposal by ID
0gchaind query gov proposal 1
Vote option yes
0gchaind tx gov vote 1 yes --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y
Vote option no
0gchaind tx gov vote 1 no --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y
Vote option asbtain
0gchaind tx gov vote 1 abstain --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y
Vote option NoWithVeto
0gchaind tx gov vote 1 NoWithVeto --from wallet --chain-id zgtendermint_16600-2 --gas-adjustment 1.5 --gas 5000000 --gas-prices 0ua0gi -y


Please note that updating the custom port is optional!

Update custom port
sed -i -e "s%^proxy_app = \"tcp://\"%proxy_app = \"tcp://${CUSTOM_PORT}58\"%; s%^laddr = \"tcp://\"%laddr = \"tcp://${CUSTOM_PORT}57\"%; s%^pprof_laddr = \"localhost:6060\"%pprof_laddr = \"localhost:${CUSTOM_PORT}60\"%; s%^laddr = \"tcp://\"%laddr = \"tcp://${CUSTOM_PORT}56\"%; s%^prometheus_listen_addr = \":26660\"%prometheus_listen_addr = \":${CUSTOM_PORT}66\"%" $HOME/.0gchain/config/config.toml
sed -i -e "s%^address = \"tcp://\"%address = \"tcp://${CUSTOM_PORT}17\"%; s%^address = \":8080\"%address = \":${CUSTOM_PORT}80\"%; s%^address = \"\"%address = \"${CUSTOM_PORT}90\"%; s%^address = \"\"%address = \"${CUSTOM_PORT}91\"%" $HOME/.0gchain/config/app.toml
Disable indexer
sed -i -e 's|^indexer *=.*|indexer = "null"|' $HOME/.0gchain/config/config.toml
Enable indexer
sed -i -e 's|^indexer *=.*|indexer = "kv"|' $HOME/.0gchain/config/config.toml
Pruning update
sed -i \
  -e 's|^pruning *=.*|pruning = "custom"|' \
  -e 's|^pruning-keep-recent *=.*|pruning-keep-recent = "100"|' \
  -e 's|^pruning-keep-every *=.*|pruning-keep-every = "0"|' \
  -e 's|^pruning-interval *=.*|pruning-interval = "19"|' \


Get validator information
0gchaind status 2>&1 | jq .ValidatorInfo
Get sync information
0gchaind status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo
Get node peer
echo $(0gchaind tendermint show-node-id)'@'$(curl -s':'$(cat $HOME/.0gchain/config/config.toml | sed -n '/Address to listen for incoming connection/{n;p;}' | sed 's/.*://; s/".*//')
Check validator keys
[[ $(0gchaind q staking validator $(0gchaind keys show wallet --bech val -a) -oj | jq -r .consensus_pubkey.key) = $(0gchaind status | jq -r .ValidatorInfo.PubKey.value) ]] && echo -e "\n\e[1m\e[32mTrue\e[0m\n" || echo -e "\n\e[1m\e[31mFalse\e[0m\n"
Get live peers
curl -sS http://localhost:24457/net_info | jq -r '.result.peers[] | "\(\(.remote_ip):\(.node_info.listen_addr)"' | awk -F ':' '{print $1":"$(NF)}'
Configure minimum gas prices
sed -i -e "s/^minimum-gas-prices *=.*/minimum-gas-prices = \"0ua0gi\"/" $HOME/.0gchain/config/app.toml
Enable prometheus
sed -i -e "s/prometheus = false/prometheus = true/" $HOME/.0gchain/config/config.toml
Reset chain data
0gchaind tendermint unsafe-reset-all --keep-addr-book --home $HOME/.0gchain --keep-addr-book

Before moving on to the next step, be aware that all chain data will be erased. Ensure you've created a backup of your priv_validator_key.json!

Remove node
cd $HOME
sudo systemctl stop oglabs
sudo systemctl disable oglabs
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/oglabs.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo rm -f $(which 0gchaind)
sudo rm -rf $HOME/.0gchain
sudo rm -rf $HOME/0g-chain
sudo rm -rf $HOME/go